About Me

Roxanne RudkinAuthor Roxanne Rudkin lives in Calgary, Alberta, with her husband and two cats. Roxanne has had a long career as a registered nurse. Looking after a sick child in the emergency department was always a special challenge — to meet not only a child’s physical needs, but to try to bring some aspect of reassurance and joy to the experience as well. Her hope is that LuLu and Boo will help bring a smile to those very little ones needing to be brave and step outside their comfort zones.

Learn a little bit more about Roxanne (and her cats!) in this short Q&A:

Do you have two cats and are their names LuLu and Boo?

I have two house cats, but their names are Daisy and Finnigan. They were my inspiration for the book and, just like LuLu and Boo, my two cats have never been outside.

Did you always write stories?

No. Being a very busy mother and working full time, finding the time to write stories was not easy. Once my children, Sam and Quinn, grew up and moved away from home I found I had a little free time for myself. I decided to step out of my comfort zone (as did LuLu and Boo) and try something creative. It was a completely new experience for me and I have loved every minute of this project.

Will there be more books about LuLu and Boo?

Yes. I hope to make a series of books on the adventures of LuLu and Boo. It gives me great joy to see children enjoying my story and these two lovable characters.